The Urban Christian Woman Blog
Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know… Now What?
Often we are told of God's love and how we should rest in, and be assured that there is nothing that can separate us. These are wonderful truths, so now what? When I see and am grasping and learning of the love of God, is that the end of the story or is there some response He desires?

Finding Humility In The Wisdom of Christ
I don’t know about you, but I really like being right. As a new believer, I loved the idea that truth is knowable. An all-powerful and all-knowing God made Himself known to ME by coming to earth to die for MY sins and has given ME the ability to know Him and tell other people how great He is??? In the past, you could find me on social media or in relationships telling others about truth and boy, was I proud that I was someone who “knew it”! You guessed it, another opportunity for me to be right.

Lessons of Discipleship from the Book of Ruth
The Book of Ruth is rich with relational wisdom. We learn many lessons from the relationship between Ruth and her Kinsman-Redeemer, Boaz. But another relationship we glean from is the relationship between Naomi and Ruth.

The Art of Clinging
We are living in a time where there is a rapid spread and unraveling of a lot of things. At the start of our day, we may feel like we’re looking up towards a snow capped mountain watching a powerful unruly avalanche of sickness, racial injustice, despair, financial distress and relational division rushing straight towards us at an alarming speed. The looming advancement of pain, suffering and discouragement seems as though it will inevitably knock us down without the option to get back up. Thankfully the Bible points us to two women who may have felt similarly.

Moms with Littles: The Urban Christian Woman "Everyday Discipleship" Series Interview #1
In our first "Everyday Discipleship" interview, photographers Sharon Hughes and Mary Diaz discuss what it looks like to mother small children during this time of quarantine, and offers us a few activities to help keep their minds sharp.

Finding Faith in the Middle of COVID-19
I’m sitting in my living room sipping a cup of warm tea while my two young boys enjoy an afternoon show and my eight-month-old snoozes calmly for her second nap of the day. There is a sense of peace within the walls of our home, but as of a week and a half ago, we’re living in the jolting reality of COVID-19.

Because you Were Bought with a Price: Biblical Stewardship of our Health
Last year, I had a health scare. Praise the Lord that it was not as bad as it could have been, especially since, as much as I hate to admit, I “sort of” contributed to it. I have a chronic hormonal imbalance that requires me to be extremely diligent about my eating habits. However, I had not been diligent

Be Encouraged
I like order. That's not such a bad thing, until things get out of order. I like to know what's next and what to expect. I like to be able to plan the course even if I do not stick to that plan. All of this sounds good until things don't go as planned.

Not My Will…
Have you ever prayed that prayer? I’m not talking about muttering these words maybe in a church service or during your morning prayer time. But really, intensely, and truthfully prayed this prayer?

Broke, Busted, Yet Trusting
In the midst of our trials it can be hard to see God. For me, it was hard to know that God saw me. I was doing all that I knew to do, but there have been moments (long moments) when I wondered if God saw me.

Introductions to the KING: Being Faithful to Share the GOSPEL
A little known fact about me is that I was a full-time missionary. Sharing the gospel was literally my job for two years after college.

Leaning Into God’s Story in a Season of Transition
I never thought the verse “they left their father Zebedee” would mean anything to me.