The Urban Christian Woman Blog
Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.

Bodily Stewardship (Physical Health): "Everyday Discipleship" Series Interview #6
In our latest Everyday Discipleship interview, Francine Hollis and Brittany Kincaid discuss their experiences with physical health.

Moms With School Aged Kids: "Everyday Discipleship" Series Interview #5
In our latest Everyday Discipleship interview, Khalilah Shelton and Anita Allen Williams discuss navigating quarantine with school aged children, and offer us some resources that will help us enjoy these days.

How To Maintain Your Sanity While Coming Alongside Your Kid: The Urban Christian Woman "Everyday Discipleship" Series Interview #3
Parents, have you been wrestling with how to stay sane and help your child during this global pandemic? Tune into this special interview with Charneice Holmes on ways to do just that.

Survive + Thrive: Days at Home with Kids
Have you ever heard the saying “The days are long but the years are short.” as it pertains to child rearing? I know many of us have been experiencing long days with our kiddos at home. The tasks of educating, training, keeping our homes and working has escalated, but there is still a village available to help you through these times.

Moms with Littles: The Urban Christian Woman "Everyday Discipleship" Series Interview #1
In our first "Everyday Discipleship" interview, photographers Sharon Hughes and Mary Diaz discuss what it looks like to mother small children during this time of quarantine, and offers us a few activities to help keep their minds sharp.

Be Encouraged
I like order. That's not such a bad thing, until things get out of order. I like to know what's next and what to expect. I like to be able to plan the course even if I do not stick to that plan. All of this sounds good until things don't go as planned.

To My Sister Considering Divorce
If the word “Divorce” has been mulling around in your mind, you may be wondering what gives me the right to share my thoughts on your marriage. The answer is nothing. I am not an expert on the subject. No degrees on the topic either.

Truth Amidst Weariness
I. Am. Tired. I find myself uttering this phrase all too often. Sometimes at the end of a long day, occasionally during that mid-day slump and more often than I care to admit, first thing in the morning. Does this sound familiar?

A Benjamin Button Revolution: Becoming More Childlike in Christ
In the movie Benjamin Button, starring Brad Pitt, Benjamin is born as a very old man. Over the years, while everyone else is growing older, he grows younger until he becomes and infant again. I too must revert back to a time when I simply relished in being the child and in Him being the Father. For so long, I believed that God was insisting on my “#adulting” my faith.