The Urban Christian Woman Blog
Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.

Are You Complaining to Death
Are you complaining to death? I don’t mean a death like the Children of Israel experience. I’m speaking of an inner death–the death of your joy, your peace, and your patience. If we aren’t careful, like the children of Israel we can find ourselves buried in the place of our complaining.

Joy in the Storm
“‘We are not ok.’ Something I never wanted to say out loud but laying on my bed in tears, the words have found me and hold me in a tight grip. “
Do we find joy in our storms? Be encouraged by Sharon as she candidly tells of what it looks like to hold onto joy while in the storms of life.

Survive + Thrive: Days at Home with Kids
Have you ever heard the saying “The days are long but the years are short.” as it pertains to child rearing? I know many of us have been experiencing long days with our kiddos at home. The tasks of educating, training, keeping our homes and working has escalated, but there is still a village available to help you through these times.

Finding Faith in the Middle of COVID-19
I’m sitting in my living room sipping a cup of warm tea while my two young boys enjoy an afternoon show and my eight-month-old snoozes calmly for her second nap of the day. There is a sense of peace within the walls of our home, but as of a week and a half ago, we’re living in the jolting reality of COVID-19.

Because you Were Bought with a Price: Biblical Stewardship of our Health
Last year, I had a health scare. Praise the Lord that it was not as bad as it could have been, especially since, as much as I hate to admit, I “sort of” contributed to it. I have a chronic hormonal imbalance that requires me to be extremely diligent about my eating habits. However, I had not been diligent

Waking Early and Giving Jesus our First
Heart check - We’re selfish (We as in me). We want to praise Jesus and spend time with Jesus when we want to and when it’s most convenient for us. We build our worship and prayer time to Jesus around our schedules, as opposed to building our schedules around our worship and prayer time.

New Year, Same God
It's a new year and resolve is high. Motivation is running rampant in the gym and across the nation. Some people are prancing into the new year thanking God for the lessons learned and victories won; new jobs, new baby, weight loss. Others, however, are reluctant to cross the threshold into 2020 without their dearly departed loved ones.

Not My Will…
Have you ever prayed that prayer? I’m not talking about muttering these words maybe in a church service or during your morning prayer time. But really, intensely, and truthfully prayed this prayer?

When I Tell God, “No!”
Sometimes we as women, have a hard time saying “no”. When a friend asks if you want to go out for dessert when you have a pile of laundry waiting to be tamed, you go anyway. When your boss asks you to take on a new project, knowing you are drowning in work, you say “sure, no problem.”

Garden Season: Being Content and Finding Joy in My Garden
I’m learning to find contentment and joy despite my circumstances. I’m still learning. It’s been a journey and has not happened overnight.

A Benjamin Button Revolution: Becoming More Childlike in Christ
In the movie Benjamin Button, starring Brad Pitt, Benjamin is born as a very old man. Over the years, while everyone else is growing older, he grows younger until he becomes and infant again. I too must revert back to a time when I simply relished in being the child and in Him being the Father. For so long, I believed that God was insisting on my “#adulting” my faith.

Rejection Ain’t Really Rejection
In spite of the heart-break, God was and continues to be soooo good and I praise Him for that rejection. Why? Because rejection, I believe, is not necessarily always rejection. And I have learned so much through this process that I wouldn’t have been able to grasp if things had worked out between the two of us.