The Urban Christian Woman Blog
Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.

The Singles’ Timeline
Take a look at this article from our archives!
“I’m a fairly new resident to Atlanta. I first visited the city a few years ago, in November of 2015, in the season of my life where I decided to turn my back on God.”

Finding Humility In The Wisdom of Christ
I don’t know about you, but I really like being right. As a new believer, I loved the idea that truth is knowable. An all-powerful and all-knowing God made Himself known to ME by coming to earth to die for MY sins and has given ME the ability to know Him and tell other people how great He is??? In the past, you could find me on social media or in relationships telling others about truth and boy, was I proud that I was someone who “knew it”! You guessed it, another opportunity for me to be right.

Suffering with Elisabeth Elliott
While you may not have heard of Elisabeth Elliot before, you’ve likely heard the name of her late husband Jim Eliot, a missionary who was killed by natives in the jungles of Ecuador during an attempt to bring them the gospel.

Anna 2020 (from Luke 2)
I remember having my daughter and taking her to church service for the first time. The congregation "oooh-ed and awww-ed" over her plump cheeks and her rose petal lips that pursed together to make the most perfect pucker. We were in love with this little person and we were happy to parade her around for everyone to see.

Protection, Power, Preservation-Ruth
This summer has been one for the books. So many events have taken place that evoke lots of emotions, changes, and questions. Our desire to be protected is at an all-time high.

The Singles’ Timeline
I’m a fairly new resident to Atlanta.I first visited the city a few years ago, in November of 2015, in the season of my life where I decided to turn my back on God.

God’s Vision for 2020
Have you ever wondered what God really wants from you? I've thought that if I can just get the right person to pray for me then things would be different.

Truth Amidst Weariness
I. Am. Tired. I find myself uttering this phrase all too often. Sometimes at the end of a long day, occasionally during that mid-day slump and more often than I care to admit, first thing in the morning. Does this sound familiar?

Waking Early and Giving Jesus our First
Heart check - We’re selfish (We as in me). We want to praise Jesus and spend time with Jesus when we want to and when it’s most convenient for us. We build our worship and prayer time to Jesus around our schedules, as opposed to building our schedules around our worship and prayer time.

Not My Will…
Have you ever prayed that prayer? I’m not talking about muttering these words maybe in a church service or during your morning prayer time. But really, intensely, and truthfully prayed this prayer?

Broke, Busted, Yet Trusting
In the midst of our trials it can be hard to see God. For me, it was hard to know that God saw me. I was doing all that I knew to do, but there have been moments (long moments) when I wondered if God saw me.

Introductions to the KING: Being Faithful to Share the GOSPEL
A little known fact about me is that I was a full-time missionary. Sharing the gospel was literally my job for two years after college.