By: Khalilah Shelton

I like order.  That's not such a bad thing, until things get out of order.  I like to know what's next and what to expect. I like to be able to plan the course even if I do not stick to that plan.  All of this sounds good until things don't go as planned. Last Tuesday I had a full schedule and was ready to hit the ground running.  It was all good until around 11:00am when my three year old started to fuss. I'm thinking, “ok it's nap time but the plan is to get two more things done before we pick up the kids from school.”  She pulled it together enough to make it to the grocery store, where I had exactly 24 minutes to get in and get out. I park and turn around to get her unbuckled and she has taken off her shoes and socks. “Whyyyyy? She is ruining the plan, she’s out of order and now I'm going to be late.” Was I asking too much of my toddler?  Absolutely, not because I wanted her to comply with my list of unspoken expectations but because I was trusting in her compliance and completing my “to do list” in order for me to be encouraged that the day was going well. My hope was built on my order and planning rather than Christ-likeness.  

Sisters, often times we base our success on what we can accomplish in 24 hours, rather than what Christ is growing in us.  Paul prays that the church at Colosse will be strengthened with all power, according to Christ’s strength.  

May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.  Colossians 1:11-12

We want righteous things but want to gain them in ways that make sense to us.  We lean fully on our own understanding and then ask God why He is not blessing it.  Sister, Christ is not interested in making us the stars of our own shows. He is, however interested in making us more like Him.  He builds in us endurance and patience, with joy, as we give thanks to God the Father.  

When I turned around to find a barefoot toddler in the back seat, it would have been just as appropriate for me to thank God that she found something to occupy herself rather than continuing to scream and cry as we drove to the store.  This was a prime opportunity to thank God for a chance to show patience and endurance. Often times I look for the huge moments to learn huge lessons from the Lord, but over the years, especially the parenting years, I've found that the small moments when I stop and ask God what to do is when I see that He is always with me. He meets me right where I am and takes me exactly to where He wants me to be.  I can then recount those moments and trust that when the huge trials come He will be faithful. 

I know many of you reading have lots of things going on in life and some of it is just too much for you to handle.  Some of you are struggling through major health concerns for you or your family members. Some are sorting through years of baggage and pain.  Some are fighting to love their children well. Others are awaiting a new adventure trusting that it's from God. Wherever you find yourself, sister, know that you have been qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints.  Christ lived, died, and rose again that we may have access to heaven. We have been promised heavenly riches that do not compare to what we face on earth. So whether you are faced with life altering decisions or a barefoot toddler, be encouraged! Do not let the lesser things of this world eclipse the light of your inheritance. The God whom we serve is faithful!  

For more on the book of Colossians please check out The Urban Christian Woman podcast “Living Fully As An Urban Christian Woman”


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