The Urban Christian Woman Blog

Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.

One with Another: A Personal Reflection on World Refugee Day
Sharon Hughes Sharon Hughes

One with Another: A Personal Reflection on World Refugee Day

Right before we threw in the towel and moved back to Chicago, an Afghan woman who I had met at our local park invited us over for dinner. Her and her husband spread a feast out on the floor of their apartment that made us feel like royalty. They prepared Qabli Palo, an Afghan rice dish with red raisins, carrots and lamb stew. I sipped warm mint tea and let each flavor-packed bite nourish my body and soul. I watched my kids dance around with their kids as the rug beneath me felt like a warm inviting hug. We shared stories and laughter and I left understanding in a new way that we needed this family as much as they needed us. Before we could serve, we needed to know the value and joy of being served.

Sharon Hughes shares her personal reflection on what it means to serve and be served with her neighbors.

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Art As It Should Be
Sharon Hughes Sharon Hughes

Art As It Should Be

“What did God do with the vast abyss of nothingness? He creates. He illuminates the sky with piercing light, he stretches swatches of greenery across the barren ground and pours icy blue water into the deep basins of the ocean floor. He forms creatures to swim, to soar, to sit beneath shaded oak trees. He splashes color, builds in three dimensions and last of all- creates us. “

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The Whole Truth
Jasmine Wilson Jasmine Wilson

The Whole Truth

“I will purposely be downstairs in the living room on the nights all three of my teens come home from their practices. I know it is a time that they come in chattering about this and that and tend to sit down in the living room all together with me before going their separate ways. I don't make them sit and talk to me, it is just a time that they openly do it. So, I am present for it. This presence is where life-giving takes place. It's where randomness leads to the methodical work of the spirit.”

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I Am His Good Thing

I Am His Good Thing

“Your husband is not your enemy, stop treating him like one. Have fun and remember that you two are one. Enjoy the journey to oneness, and remember that the Creator of Heaven and earth is with you.”

As we continue the podcast series on co-journeying, let’s look at a ministry that helps us co-journey and build the two most important relationships many of us will have in our lives, our relationship with God and our relationship with our husbands. Today we have an interview with Brandy Williams, the founder of I am His Good Thing (IAHGT) ministries.

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Saved and Single…
Tameka Moment Tameka Moment

Saved and Single…

As TUCW continues the podcast series on co-journeying, take a look at this piece by guest blogger, Tameka Moment, who shares the truth of the ups and downs of singleness and the hope of putting her faith in Christ.

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Part of My Story…
help, mental health Tesheba Oliver help, mental health Tesheba Oliver

Part of My Story…

Guest blogger, Elena Limoges, shares her struggles with a mental health diagnosis and God’s faithfulness through good friends and scripture. She couples reality and hope to encourage us all to trust the One who writes our stories. You can read more from Elena at

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‘Til He Appeared
Tesheba Oliver Tesheba Oliver

‘Til He Appeared

With the arrival of Jesus, the world felt its worth. This declaration is for you. His coming was not just for the world then, his coming was for you. And in that arrival, you are presented with a clear picture of your worth. Every Christmas scent or scene, every gathering to celebrate and every quiet moment in front of a Christmas tree, every sparkle of a Christmas light or tune that gets stuck in your head; these all point to something more.

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Shade or Shadows
Tesheba Oliver Tesheba Oliver

Shade or Shadows

Here, Khalilah looks at 1 John and how we can process God’s activity in our lives.

“God is making us more like Himself. His love for us is what makes us want to do what He commands. This unlimited love for us, from the Father, gives us the comfort we need and assurance of our standing with Him, not the works themselves.”

For more on 1 John check out TUCW Podcast series “Complete Joy”.

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Are You Complaining to Death
Theology, Lifestyle Tesheba Oliver Theology, Lifestyle Tesheba Oliver

Are You Complaining to Death

Are you complaining to death? I don’t mean a death like the Children of Israel experience. I’m speaking of an inner death–the death of your joy, your peace, and your patience. If we aren’t careful, like the children of Israel we can find ourselves buried in the place of our complaining.  

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Joy in the Storm
Marriage, Lifestyle, Mental Tesheba Oliver Marriage, Lifestyle, Mental Tesheba Oliver

Joy in the Storm

“‘We are not ok.’ Something I never wanted to say out loud but laying on my bed in tears, the words have found me and hold me in a tight grip. “

Do we find joy in our storms? Be encouraged by Sharon as she candidly tells of what it looks like to hold onto joy while in the storms of life.

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