Counter-Cultural Christmas: Pushing Away Consumerism & Self-Centeredness

Season 1: Episode 4

Today on the podcast, we’re chatting about having a Counter-Cultural Christmas.  How to push away consumerism and self-centeredness and focus on the real reason for the season, Jesus Christ.


Episode Highlights

God’s Character:

  • GOD IS OMNISCIENT- the quality of knowing everything. He knows your past, your present, and your future. Nothing catches him by surprise.

  • GOD IS SELF-SUFFICIENT- He possesses within Himself every quality, ability, and supernatural command with never-ending measure. God wants for nothing and lacks nothing; He is complete. 

How we demonstrate our love is a reflection of God’s love at Christmas?

  • Gift-giving is only one demonstration of that love.

  • If your tendency is toward self-centeredness(heart) or consumerism(reorient the heart towards what really matters) is your temptation.

  • Self centeredness: Take the time to intentionally pause and set your heart on who God is and who is He is in this season. 

  • Consumerism: Reorient the heart towards what really matters. SLOW DOWN. Minimize the distractions. How can I worship The One who came and is coming again today?

For Your Own Personal Study:

Genesis 4

John 3:16-17


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