Cross-Generational Discipleship with Karen Ellis
Show Highlights:
Sis. Kristie’s discipleship definition (5:20)
Contextualized resources in discipleship (10:45)
Biblical Framework Passages on discipleship (13:17)
Sis. Kristie’s story of discipleship (22:25)
Discipleship hindrances and challenges in the life of the local church (26:40)
Showing women themselves in the pages of scripture (37:00)
Being better interpreters of context (45:00)
Resources Recommended:
Becoming Whole: Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn't The American Dream
The Edmiston Center for The Study of The Bible And Ethnicity
Scriptures Referenced in Podcast:
Titus 2
Acts 18:1-4; 24-26
Proverbs 8 & 9
Definition of Discipleship: "Someone who comes alongside someone and they say I wanna see the world from God's perspective. Let's unpack it together."
"Some of the reason we have so much spiritual malformation is that we have left what could be good things like major conferences, and podcast, and books. These things in and of themselves aren't bad, but we've left them to do what should be done face to face. And what really can only be done face to face. "
It says something when I'm too busy to do the work of the Kingdom. I have to take a step back and question my priorities.
If I wait until I know everything before I disciple someone, I will never start discipling anybody.
The process of biblical discipleship is moving someone from foolishness to wisdom.
How do we through the discipleship process, through the community building process, how do we mitigate those circumstances? We show people what they were created for...And give them a foretaste of Glory divine!